antony hudson
I need to delete files via a UNC path such as \\xxx\documents and
settings\username\yy.txt using vb.net.
However some of the files seem to be locked, is there anyway round this?
I have used system.io.file and system.io.directory delete methods
without success.
Alternatively is there a way to delete a users profile from a remote
Citrix server when it has become corrupted?
I need to delete files via a UNC path such as \\xxx\documents and
settings\username\yy.txt using vb.net.
However some of the files seem to be locked, is there anyway round this?
I have used system.io.file and system.io.directory delete methods
without success.
Alternatively is there a way to delete a users profile from a remote
Citrix server when it has become corrupted?