If you don't delete history or limit files size it will
overpower the computer and use all the memory. Best to
limit history days under tools-options. If wanting to
see where other user has been try the toolbar view
button. Go to View > Go to and see the last few sites.
To really clear the History file after deleting
history ........logoff and logon.
I would eventually delete them, we just want to see where our daughter is
going on the internet and she is smart enough to go into history and erase
only the websites that she has been on!!!
There was some software for keeping track of things like
this on morning tv talk show monday. I did not notice
what it was called but there are packages in local
computer stores to watch these.
Have a talk with daughter. Be sure she does not download
anything like spyware/virus.
Just a thought
At this moment I am not sure if that is possible from within IE, there may
be a registry Hack that I do not know of?
But I do know a program that is free and very good at its job, removing
'spyware' - Spybot Search & Destroy, - Interesting bit - this program has a
setting which can be set to withhold access to internet options, from the IE
Get it from here: http://security.kolla.de/
Update it, run it. You may be surprised?
Then to solve your problem:
start>programs>SS&D (advanced mode)>immunise>check the 3 items at
the bottom.
You know how to free it up when you want to check