tdr said:
I'm trying to run delete * from dbo_depend_table and i'm getting
"single row update/delete affected more than one row" why?
I can understand if I had a where clause, but I dont.
system info:
ms access 2000
ms sql server 2000
That usually indicates that your server table has no primary key and no
unique indexes. When you created the link you were prompted to designate
which fields could be used by Access to identify unique rows and you
supplied a field (or fields) that are NOT actually unique on the table.
For example if I link to a table with no primary key that contains two
fields (FirstName and LastName) and I tell Access to use those fields to
build a local unique index (required to allow updates on such tables), then
I update the row having "John" and "Smith" in those two fields, I will
actually be applying that update to ALL of the rows on the server where
FirstName has "John" and LastName has "Smith".
It is best to actually have a PK or unique index on all of your server
tables, but if you don't and you tell Access to use one or more fields to
build a unique index on then you MUST correctly specify fields that are
actually unique. Otherwise you run a serious risk of trashing your data.