We use Task assignment quite heavly in our company, but have found recently that if the user deletes the task without sending a response, the person who assigned the task in the first place doesn't know this has happened
My question is, when the user deletes the task, a dialog box comes up saying "The Task "Testing" has not been completed. What do you want to do? along with 3 options : Decline and delete; Mark complete and delete; or Delete. Is there a way to grey out or disable the "Delete" radio box
Many Thank
We use Task assignment quite heavly in our company, but have found recently that if the user deletes the task without sending a response, the person who assigned the task in the first place doesn't know this has happened
My question is, when the user deletes the task, a dialog box comes up saying "The Task "Testing" has not been completed. What do you want to do? along with 3 options : Decline and delete; Mark complete and delete; or Delete. Is there a way to grey out or disable the "Delete" radio box
Many Thank