deleting an underline?



I copied text over from a pdf file and I have an underline at the bottom that
I can't select or delete or anything...I have to copy the whole document in
the pdf because it's an uneditable document from a court website. How do I
get rid of the underline?


The no border didn't work. I was really hoping though! I tried selecting
all of the text and clicking no border. No go. Would the footnote be
causing the underline? It's a short underline and it has a dotted line that
borders it all the way around with a paragraph mark after it. Hopefully
someone will know how to get rid of it as it prints out as well.



Ok...I just noticed there's a super(sub)script 1 at the very top of the
document (as in where the footnote is). It copied in the wrong place and
once I deleted that 1 the underline disappeared! Thanks for all of your help!

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