A strange problem has recently appeared -- when a user deletes a contact in a
contact data entry form, items from two combo boxes on the form (that draw
their values from two separate tables) are deleted from their respective
tables. The delete button was created with the Wizard, and contains the
following code.
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 8, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 6, , acMenuVer70
I am suspicious of corruption, because I recently could not get an external
report that was correct in my development database to import properly (the
report changed when imported). I finally decompiled, recompiled, and
compacted, and the report imported properly.
Should I decompile again? Is there something else I should look at? (I tried
locking the two controls, but that of course meant that the selections did
not write to the main contacts table, and I need to have them there.)
Any help would be appreciated.
contact data entry form, items from two combo boxes on the form (that draw
their values from two separate tables) are deleted from their respective
tables. The delete button was created with the Wizard, and contains the
following code.
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 8, , acMenuVer70
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 6, , acMenuVer70
I am suspicious of corruption, because I recently could not get an external
report that was correct in my development database to import properly (the
report changed when imported). I finally decompiled, recompiled, and
compacted, and the report imported properly.
Should I decompile again? Is there something else I should look at? (I tried
locking the two controls, but that of course meant that the selections did
not write to the main contacts table, and I need to have them there.)
Any help would be appreciated.