Deleted Workgroup Information File

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I am working in Access 2003. The workgroup information file that was created
with the security wizard for our database has been deleted. I have tried to
recreate it - we have the information - but even though I am recreating it
exactly, I cannot gain access to the database. When the workgroup
information file was created, we took all the defaults: Name: Microsoft
Access, Organization: (left blank) and the Workgroup ID that was originally

I tried testing recreating the workgroup with another database, but did not
take the default settings given and it worked fine to recreate it.

What am I doing wrong? Can I recreate the workgroup if I used the Access
defaults? How do I get back into my database? PLEASE HELP!!
I should also note that I also recreated the user accounts, but still cannot
get into the database.
I think the key things to reproduce are:
NOT the passwords, but the WID/PID's

-The Workgroup (mdw) may have been generated with a specific "Workgroup ID".
Personally, I've always used the default, though the recommendation is to set
it specifically. If you don't have or generate with the WID, you are wasting
your time.
-The user PID. The password doesn't matter at this level, it's the PID you
need to reproduce (the password will be blank-but-valid when you try and
reproduce an mdw with users.

My understanding (others welcome to correct me), is that without the WID (if
it was set) everything else will be garbage.

OTOH, if you (say) forgot the PID of the "Administrator", you would at least
get partial access with any other user who was set up and you knew their PID.

Remember, in recreating a database workgroup file, passwords are irrelevant
but PID's are essential. All passwords (when you create a user) will be
initially blank and nevertheless valid.

Best I can say. When I had to reproduce an mdw, in A2000, I had not altered
the WID from whatever Access default is, and by knowing the PID of various
users I could recreate them and get into it. I don't think there's a
significant difference in A2003, in this aspect.

PS I didn't use the security wizard either initially or to recreate (I did it
myself). Therefore, I don't know what the wizard does or does not.
(guru's: would the wizard potentially create a different WID each time?)
Trying to think dangerous as ever...

If you insisted that the mdw was recreated sufficiently, then how are you
making sure you are connected to the correct mdw?

An ultimate test, is to temporarily delete or rename the mdw you think you are
using, and then try to run your database. If you don't get at least a
different error message, then you are not using the mdw you think you are!
Everyone can get caught out "thinking" they are using some specific mdw!