deleted temporary buffer - get into



["After a record is deleted, it's stored in a temporary buffer"]

i want to delete more than one record at once.

i want to make any proccess after the event "AfterDelConfirm". the process
should be according to each deleted record value.

i cant do it on the Delete event, cause the record wasnt deleted yet.

and in the "AfterDelConfirm" or event in the "BeforeDelConfirm" event, i
cant get the deleted record values.

and when im deleting more than one record then ["In other words, a Delete
event occurs for each selected record, but no other events occur until all
the selected records are deleted. The BeforeDelConfirm and AfterDelConfirm
events also don't occur until all the selected records are deleted."]

i cant get into all deleted records.

should i store all the values by myself ?


No, the Events do work as they should.

Read the MS Office help again, you've mis-interpreted it.

Use the Delete event as the record *will* be deleted. You
are inspecting the data that will be deleted, which is
what you should be doing.
-----Original Message-----
["After a record is deleted, it's stored in a temporary buffer"]

i want to delete more than one record at once.

i want to make any proccess after the
event "AfterDelConfirm". the process
should be according to each deleted record value.

i cant do it on the Delete event, cause the record wasnt deleted yet.

and in the "AfterDelConfirm" or event in
the "BeforeDelConfirm" event, i
cant get the deleted record values.

and when im deleting more than one record then ["In other words, a Delete
event occurs for each selected record, but no other events occur until all
the selected records are deleted. The BeforeDelConfirm and AfterDelConfirm
events also don't occur until all the selected records are deleted."]

i cant get into all deleted records.

should i store all the values by myself ?


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