"Rachelle" said in news:
[email protected]:
I am receiving my e-mail from msn into outlook. When I
delete mail, it does not go to the trash folder on my
computer. When I delete a contact or a to-do, it does go
to the trash folder. Occassionally I wish to restore
deleted mail, but I cannot find it. Any ideas? thanks
All POP3 accounts in Outlook get aggregated into the Inbox. You can use
rules against POP3 e-mails. The Inbox, Trash, and other folders are for
your information store (i.e., your .pst file). MSN and Hotmail are not POP3
services so you don't define a POP3 account in Outlook for them. Instead,
you define HTTP accounts for them. Each HTTP account gets its own
information store. That is, your POP3 accounts all get managed by one .pst
file whereas each HTTP account gets it own separate .pst file. If you had 4
POP3 accounts defined in Outlook along with two HTTP accounts (for Hotmail
or MSN) then you would have 3 .pst files, one for the 4 POP3 accounts, one
for one of your HTTP Hotmail accounts, and another for your other HTTP
Hotmail account.
The movement of items, like from deleting them, do not cross information
stores. When you delete a message in an HTTP account's Inbox, it gets moved
to that information store's Deleted Items folder. In this case, for MSN or
Hotmail, the deleted item will show up in that information store's Trash
folder. When you delete an item in your Hotmail account, it goes to your
Hotmail account's Trash folder, not to your aggregate POP3 account's Deleted
Items folder.
OL2002: How to Move the Hotmail .PST Cache File
How to Configure Outlook with Hotmail