I opened one of my databases a few weeks ago, after adding
data to it in the morning it took a long time to load in
the afternoon. When it did open it said that a record had
been deleted. I had not deleted any records nor made any
changes to the database other than add records but my link
of the main form to the sub form is no longer working. I
went in to the design view and all the information is
correct for the link. Does anyone have any ideas as to
what happened and how I can fix this without having to re-
create the entire database?
data to it in the morning it took a long time to load in
the afternoon. When it did open it said that a record had
been deleted. I had not deleted any records nor made any
changes to the database other than add records but my link
of the main form to the sub form is no longer working. I
went in to the design view and all the information is
correct for the link. Does anyone have any ideas as to
what happened and how I can fix this without having to re-
create the entire database?