deleted files



from recent national computer newsletter
Getting back deleted files

Q. Help! I've emptied files from Recycle Bin and now, I
need them back.
Is this even possible?

A. Maybe. You see, if a deleted file is in the Recycle
Bin, it can
be restored. Microsoft says items removed from the
Recycle Bin cannot
be restored, but that is not always true.

It's important to understand how the hard drive handles
The hard drive has a type of index that tells it where
fragments of
files are stored. When you open that file, the hard drive
together those fragments.

When you delete the file from the Recycle Bin, the index
links to the
file fragments are broken. So Windows no longer can open
the file.
But it is still on the hard drive. It will remain there
until you save
something else that goes into that space. At that point,
the deleted
file is overwritten and is probably impossible to recover.

Until it is overwritten, specialized software can find
and recover it.
Three such programs include Uneraser
Vcom SystemSuite ( and Norton System

It's important that you recover deleted files
immediately. You don't
want to install any other software or save anything to
the hard drive.
You could overwrite the data you're trying to save.
That's why I like
to use Norton's program for this job. You simply start
the computer
with the program disc in the drive and follow the menus
to restore
recently deleted files.

Obviously, the problem can be avoided by not cleaning out
the Recycle
Bin too often. Windows sets the default size of the
Recycle Bin at 10
percent of the hard drive. Given today's monster-sized
drives, that's
a lot of space. So don't be overly neat. Never remove
anything from the
Recycle Bin if you think you might need it.

By the way, don't count on System Restore to get you out
of this mess.
If it is turned on, it sets automatic restore points.
However, it only
restores applications and the system state. It does not
personal files in Recycle Bin. So if you delete a letter,
it's gone.

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Hillary,

This free utility will work if the file has not yet been overwritten:

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone


Yes, you can. You can recover just about anything that has been on your
computer. The more difficult it is, the harder it is to find someone that
can do it (and more expensive it is). Bottom line, if it is important
enough, you can recover just about anything.

If it is a simple file you just recently deleted from the recycle bin, you
can do it yourself for free by following some of the links already

Ken Blake

Hilary said:
Is there any way to restore a file after I deleted it and
emptied the recycle bin?

"Deleting" a file doesn't actually delete it; it just marks the
space as available to be used. There are third-party programs
that can sometimes recover deleted files. The problem is that the
space used by the file is likely to become overwritten very
quickly, and this makes the file unrecoverable.

So your chances of successfully recovering this file are decent
if you try recovering it immediately after deleting it, and
rapidly go downhill from there. If you've been using the computer
since then (for example to write this question and read this
answer), your chances are probably very poor by now.

But if the file is important enough, it's worth a try anyway.
Stop using the computer in question immediately, if you haven't
done so already. Download an undelete program on a friend's
computer and bring it yours on a floppy to try.

If this fails, your only other recourse is to take the drive to a
professional file recovery company. This kind of service is very
expensive and may or may not work in your case.

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