Due to the spyware extracting process, all my mp3 files
were deleted. I tried to restore my windows to a previous
stage but the files weren't there either. Is there a way
so I can restore them? The file was put in quarantine
when I ran the program for the first time a couple of
hours ago, so I tried to un-quarantine and then I
couldn't find the files anyway. Please, someone help me
sendind me an e-mail. It's so important.
were deleted. I tried to restore my windows to a previous
stage but the files weren't there either. Is there a way
so I can restore them? The file was put in quarantine
when I ran the program for the first time a couple of
hours ago, so I tried to un-quarantine and then I
couldn't find the files anyway. Please, someone help me
sendind me an e-mail. It's so important.