-Meeting created by Person A in the calendar and invitations sent out to
Person B and Person C.
-Person B accepted the meeting, Person C rejected. Responses sent.
-Person A modifies details in the meeting such as the start time of meeting.
-Person A sends an update to only Person B
-When Person B responds, the entry is deleted from Person A’s calendar.
Using Outlook 2003, using Exchange server, does have a BES server however
users are not replying from their Blackberry.
Person B and Person C.
-Person B accepted the meeting, Person C rejected. Responses sent.
-Person A modifies details in the meeting such as the start time of meeting.
-Person A sends an update to only Person B
-When Person B responds, the entry is deleted from Person A’s calendar.
Using Outlook 2003, using Exchange server, does have a BES server however
users are not replying from their Blackberry.