deleted admininstator from xp professional

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My kid accidentally deleted the administrator account on
my computer with xp professional. there was no other
administrator assigned only limited accounts. now i can
not access my computer at all. any help would be of
great help. i do not want to lose all my files on the
hard drive. i know i can reparticion and reformat the
hard drive and reinstall everything but i have no back up
of all my files.

please help.
Original Administrator Account Does Not Appear During Friendly Logon Method;en-us;281992&Product=winxp

Enable Administrator account on Welcome Screen

[Courtesy of MS-MVP Doug Knox]

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect Your PC!



| My kid accidentally deleted the administrator account on
| my computer with xp professional. there was no other
| administrator assigned only limited accounts. now i can
| not access my computer at all. any help would be of
| great help. i do not want to lose all my files on the
| hard drive. i know i can reparticion and reformat the
| hard drive and reinstall everything but i have no back up
| of all my files.
| please help.
We need to determine what actually did happen, since it
is not possible to delete the built-in admin account.
It can be renamed, it can be disabled from login in a normal
boot, it can be hidden, but it cannot be removed.
At a cmd prompt, run
net localgroup administrators
to see what accounts are admins.
Greetings --

Simply log in using the built-in Administrator account (which
_cannot_ be deleted) and then create and/or modify the desired
account. By design, the only way to log into the Administrator
account of WinXP Home is to reboot into Safe Mode. For WinXP Pro,
pressing TRL+ALT+DEL twice at the Welcome Screen will produce the
standard login dialog box.

HOW TO Create and Configure User Accounts in Windows XP;en-us;279783

Bruce Chambers
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You can have peace. Or you can have freedom. Don't ever count on
having both at once. - RAH