Delete Unwanted Wallpaper Files



I am running Windows XP & am a novice user, I have noticed that in Control
Panel/Display/Desktop in the Background Window there are 50 or more files
there that shouldn't be ( pictures I have saved to the "My Pictures"
folder)...can anyone tell me how they got there & how to remove them...I
tried right click to try & delete them but it just pops up "What's This?" Is
there any way of deleting them & stopping them going in there again

Ramesh [MVP]

Hi Lesley,

The pictures stored in the My Pictures folder are shown there. You need to
move the files from My Pictures to some other folder.

Ramesh, Microsoft MVP
Window XP Shell/User

I am running Windows XP & am a novice user, I have noticed that in Control
Panel/Display/Desktop in the Background Window there are 50 or more files
there that shouldn't be ( pictures I have saved to the "My Pictures"
folder)...can anyone tell me how they got there & how to remove them...I
tried right click to try & delete them but it just pops up "What's This?" Is
there any way of deleting them & stopping them going in there again

James Dawson

you may also do an "*.bmp or *.jpg search for files to show all pictures
on your computer. You than can permanately delete them if you wish.
Wallpapers come with Windows and are normally stored in the Windows folder
itself or the Windows/System folder. If you are still having trouble, you
may request an remote assistance for me at (e-mail address removed) by using MSN
Messenger and can show you how to do it.


Thanks for the help...I removed the files from the "My Pictures" folder &
that did the trick

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