Delete temporary internet files on logout?



Can anyone suggest an automated way to delete all temporary internet
files on logout?

IE6 on Windows XP.

Can this be done with a batch/vbscript?

Basically I need to empty ALL files and subdirectories from:

C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Temporary Internet

Many thanks,


Churchill Jones

Paul wrote:
|| Can anyone suggest an automated way to delete all temporary internet
|| files on logout?
|| IE6 on Windows XP.
|| Can this be done with a batch/vbscript?
|| Basically I need to empty ALL files and subdirectories from:
|| C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Temporary
|| Internet Files
|| Many thanks,
|| Paul

deltree works.


Open IE 6
Tools, Internet Options, Advanced, Security, select "Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed"

Hope this helps...


Churchill Jones, the sniffling, shaping ham hock spewed out this bit, and
i'll scatter a few bits myself :
That's a ****ing joke right, snotfuck?

I know these folks that have a computer, they're Jones. Well, anyway, the
female part of the operation stays in and outa the loony bin. She really
thinks theirs people in her house, of all things.

Had me around one day to have a little looky see at the computer. She walks
up, get's real close to me, devoid of anything you could grab hold of in her
pupils,and whispers "Mhzjunkie, I think theirs somebody in here" . Well, me
being the grandest of chaps, I get right back up close to her, summoned up a
mean look, and whisper "Where they at? we'll get-um !"

Nearly ****ed me up, you could clearly see the train wrecks, fatal car
wrecks,explosions, and old fashion beheadings, that took place in her gourd.
I guess it was the "we'll" part, I don't know.

It was like her mind wanted to catch-up, but never really had a chance with
her at the wheel.


1 PRINT "Windows XP ERROR"

A. Feiner

This can be done easily by doing the following
Create a batch file the does
del C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Temporary
Internet\*.* /Q /F /S
Save it as anything (run.bat) and test it.
This will delete all files without confirmation. You can also download
Sdelete from, and do
Sdelete -s -z C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Local Settings\Temporary
Now clcik Start>Run MMC
add the lkocal group policy to your snap in
look at windows settings on both user and computer configuration.
Add your saved logoff script.


This looks to be overly complex way of solving a simple problem. Isn't the same result achieved if
you select Tools/Internet Options/Advanced in IE and then tick the box for "Empty Temporary Internet
Files folder when browser is closed"?

Am I missing something?


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