I am using the command button wizard to generate delete record code. When the user deletes a record a message box comes up saying how many records are going to be deleted and click yes or no. Is there a way to control this message box? I placed the generated code below? What calls the message box? Is there a way I can trap the key stroke so If yes is clicked I can also close the form and if No is clicked then I can do another function? Thanks for the help
Private Sub cmdDelete_Click(
On Error GoTo Err_cmdDelete_Clic
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 8, , acMenuVer7
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 6, , acMenuVer7
Exit Su
MsgBox Err.Descriptio
Resume Exit_cmdDelete_Clic
End Sub
Private Sub cmdDelete_Click(
On Error GoTo Err_cmdDelete_Clic
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 8, , acMenuVer7
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, 6, , acMenuVer7
Exit Su
MsgBox Err.Descriptio
Resume Exit_cmdDelete_Clic
End Sub