Is there any way to NOT use the standard Access message that says:-
"You are about to delete 1 Record(s)
If you click yes.... "
Basically I am allowing users to use the X (delete) button on the toolbar to
delete a record. I have some coding that checks some of the data before
allowing the record to be deleted in the procedure "Private Sub
Form_Delete(Cancel As Integer)" but I cannot get rid of that message, even
with DoCmd.SetWarnings False.
Would I have to write my own delete procedure in order to not have that
message come up? If so can I have an example of how to delete the current
Laura TD
"You are about to delete 1 Record(s)
If you click yes.... "
Basically I am allowing users to use the X (delete) button on the toolbar to
delete a record. I have some coding that checks some of the data before
allowing the record to be deleted in the procedure "Private Sub
Form_Delete(Cancel As Integer)" but I cannot get rid of that message, even
with DoCmd.SetWarnings False.
Would I have to write my own delete procedure in order to not have that
message come up? If so can I have an example of how to delete the current
Laura TD