Keith Johnson
I have 2 tables, PatSat and Temp. I need to delete all
records from PatSat that occur in Temp and I can't get it
to work. The SQL I'm using is:
DELETE [patSat].*, [Temp].[FirstOfHospital Acct#]
FROM [patSat] INNER JOIN [Temp] ON [patSat].[Hospital
Acct Number] = [Temp].[FirstOfHospital Acct#]
WHERE ((([Temp].[FirstOfHospital Acct#]) Is Not Null));
records from PatSat that occur in Temp and I can't get it
to work. The SQL I'm using is:
DELETE [patSat].*, [Temp].[FirstOfHospital Acct#]
FROM [patSat] INNER JOIN [Temp] ON [patSat].[Hospital
Acct Number] = [Temp].[FirstOfHospital Acct#]
WHERE ((([Temp].[FirstOfHospital Acct#]) Is Not Null));