Jennifer Sanders
We run Access as a db for an e-com site that collects
email adddresses and other user info.
On a weekly basis, we send email to our entire list of
subscribers. However, sometimes a customer has registered
multiple times with the same email address and recieves
more than one email at a particular address (annoying).
Does anyone know a query that will delete multiple
instances of the same email address? Ideally, I would
like to delete every instance of the email address except
for the one associated with the highest User_ID (the most
email adddresses and other user info.
On a weekly basis, we send email to our entire list of
subscribers. However, sometimes a customer has registered
multiple times with the same email address and recieves
more than one email at a particular address (annoying).
Does anyone know a query that will delete multiple
instances of the same email address? Ideally, I would
like to delete every instance of the email address except
for the one associated with the highest User_ID (the most