This should do it:
FROM BasicSalleryAllValues
FROM QMonth_Key_choice
WHERE QMonth_Key_choice.Timing_calc
= BasicSalleryAllValues.Sub_Timing
AND QMonth_Key_choice.CalcPeriod
= BasicSalleryAllValues.Timing
AND QMonth_Key_choice.FixedDate
= BasicSalleryAllValues.FixedDate);
The subquery will only return a row where there is a match with the current
row of the outer query, so by using the EXISTS predicate to restrict the
outer query only those rows with matches will be deleted.
When undertaking set operations like this its imperative that you back up the
BasicSalleryAllValues table first of course, until you are absolutely sure
its deleting the correct rows.
Ken Sheridan
Stafford, England
יריב החביב said:
Thank You !
Here is the code,
DELETE BasicSalleryAllValues.*
FROM BasicSalleryAllValues INNER JOIN QMonth_Key_choice ON
(BasicSalleryAllValues.Sub_Timing = QMonth_Key_choice.Timing_calc) AND
(BasicSalleryAllValues.Timing = QMonth_Key_choice.CalcPeriod) AND
(BasicSalleryAllValues.FixedDate = QMonth_Key_choice.FixedDate);
The error means that ACCESS cannot identify the unique records that you want
to delete.
[quoted text clipped - 17 lines]
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