New said:
Does any tools or command that I can remove the print queue by
command line?
Unfortunately I do not know if the XP script below will work for NT4,
but there it is just in case
129) Is it possible to stop and reset the print spooler with a script?
157253 Mar 9 2006 Useful NT/2000/XP script tricks and tips, T.Salmi
@echo off & setlocal enableextensions
echo +----------------------------------------------------+
echo : CLRSPOOL.CMD Stop and reset print spooler :
echo : By Prof. Timo Salmi, Last modified Sun 29-Jan-2006 :
echo +----------------------------------------------------+
if "%~1"=="?" goto _usage
if "%~1"=="/?" goto _usage
:: The path to the spooler files
set spool_=C:\WINDOWS\system32\spool\PRINTERS
:: Spool contents
dir "%spool_%"
:: Ask for confirmation
set ask_=
set /p ask_="Reset the print spooler [Y/n]?"
if /i [%ask_%]==[n] goto _out
:: Clear the spooler
net stop spooler
for %%f in ("%spool_%\*.*") do (
if exist "%%f" del "%%f"
net start spooler
:: See FAQ item #2 for an explanation of the next line
dir "%spool_%"
if not defined cmdbox if defined PauseIfFromDesktop pause
goto _out
echo Usage: DELSPOOL
echo High enough user privileges are required to complete this task.
echo Else the net stop/start commands will just produce error
goto _out
endlocal & goto :EOF
All the best, Timo
All the best, Timo