Am Sun, 13 Aug 2006 16:00:36 -0600 schrieb Julio Carvajal:
Ok, so you need to know which folder should be deleted. Do you know the
folder´s name? you could also call e.g.:
' get the Inbox
Dim Folder as Outlook.Mapifolder
Set Folder=Application.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox)
' get a named subfolder of the Inbox
Set Folder=Folder.Folders("name")
' delete that subfolder
To import a folder of another PST first add that PST with AddStore. Then
again, you need a reference to that folder. If it´s not the default contact
folder then you need probably it´s name.
Please see also the sample for the CopyTo function in the VBA help.