Delete old Marcos



Hello I am using excel 2003, I have a file that was given to me, it has a ton
of old macros I don't want anymore, when I try to delete the macros the
delete button is grayed out. I thought they may be in my personal workbook,
but when I go to Windows unhide is also grayed out, and my workbook is not
protected. Any Idea how to get rid of these?



Are the [Edit] and [Step Into] buttons also grayed out? If so, I suspect
that the VBA Project has been protected from viewing. Most likely with a
password associated with it.

To test: open the workbook and then press [Alt]+[F11] to open the VB Editor.
Then try to view any part of the VBA code - if you don't see any, look in
the [Project - VBA Project] window. If you don't see that window, press
[Ctrl]+[R] to bring it into view. Then try to expand the project object tree
by clicking on the + sign next to it. At this point you're probably going to
get a prompt requesting a password. If you're lucky, no password will have
been assigned and you can just click [OK] and bring things into view without
entering a password. If that doesn't work, it means the VBA Project was
protected from viewing with a password.

Cracking the password to the VBA Project is not as simple as cracking them
for workbooks and worksheets. I do have a tool here that will reveal them,
and if you like, you could send the .xls file to me as an attachment to an
email sent to
(remove spaces) HelpFrom @
I'll unprotect the project and return the book to you for your further
destruction of macros.

You can search on line using a phrase such as
reveal excel password
to search out programs to do this also. Most offer a demo version that only
shows the first or last few characters of such a password - which is usually
pretty useless if the password is very long at all.

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