Delete Offline Content



Every time I empty the Internet Explorer TIF folder I am prompted to delete
the "offline content," which I do. But what, exactly, is this referring to?
And what folder is it stored in? I'd like to know what I'm deleting. Thanks.


Every time I empty the Internet Explorer TIF folder I am prompted to
delete the "offline content," which I do. But what, exactly, is this
referring to? And what folder is it stored in? I'd like to know what
I'm deleting. Thanks.

These are Web pages that you have deliberately saved to your hard drive so
that you do not have to be dialed up (when you're "offline", get it?) to
get any of the images, html files, etc. that are associated with that Web

The files are stored in c:\windows\offline web pages.


Thanks. So I can "save" a Web page to my computer by clicking File |Save?
Then read it when offline. How very convenient!

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