Delete History

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Normie32r said:
How do I delete one entry from the address drop-down?

Assuming Windows XP.
Not possible, AFAIK.
Clear all or none.
Proceed as follows:
Go to > Control Panel > Internet Options > "General" - "Tab"
hit the "clear history" - "Button".



MS - MVP Windows (IE/OE) & Security, AH-VSOP
Security Tools Updates

Reply to group, as return address
is invalid that we may all benefit.
You can delete one entry from this registry location:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TypedURLs. In the
pane on the right you will see a list of all of the addresses you have typed
in. Delete the one/s you want to get rid of.
M8RIX said:
You can delete one entry from this registry location:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TypedURLs. In the pane on
the right you will see a list of all of the addresses you have typed in. Delete
the one/s you want to get rid of.

While your input is appreciated, Registry tweaks, I'm not going to call this a hack,
in this case - are not recommended, unless completely necessary.



MS - MVP Windows (IE/OE) & Security, AH-VSOP
Security Tools Updates

Reply to group, as return address
is invalid that we may all benefit.
Gary Smith said:
The best tool I've found for cleaning up Typed Urls is URL Remover for IE,fid,6679,00.asp

There's also MRU Blaster as well, probably just as good, if not better.

We could go on, ad-infinitum...

OP should follow my initial recommendation.



MS - MVP Windows (IE/OE) & Security, AH-VSOP
Security Tools Updates

Reply to group, as return address
is invalid that we may all benefit.
How do I delete one entry from the address drop-down?

Depends on which dropdown you are referring to,
e.g. the F4 one also known as TypedURLs
or the one which shows up when you start typing in the Address bar,
AKA AutoSuggest. For the latter it depends on the source of the entry,
e.g. purely History or something else? and I suspect it also probably
depends on how long the entry has been in History.

In any case there is a Delete option on all items in the History bar.
The only trouble is that it is strongly hinted that those options may not
work quite as reliably as one might like. <eg> My suggestion in the past
has been that if this is a problem the user could try simulating any
necessary recursion which the feature might be deficient about providing
itself. E.g. instead of just deleting a high-level node such as a site
and expecting that to result in the deletion of all underlying URLs
it might be necessary to go back in the History View by Date and start
deleting the oldest through the newest entries there and only then try
deleting a higher-level node. Etc.

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle