I was asked to write a little Batch-Job to delete Files on a Windows 2000
Files, which are older than a specified date, should be deleted in a
directorystructure called c:\temp\test.
In this directory a number of subdirectories are located, so that the
scripts has to work recurse folders.
For this I found the below statement with the MS tool forfiles:
forfiles -pC:\temp\test\ -m*.* -d-%1 -s -c"cmd /c del @FILE| echo @FILE"
Unfortunately the Scripts tries to delete the directories as well. Only
files with the mask *.* or other definitions should be deleted.
Many thanks for help,
Syntax : FORFILES [-pPath] [-mSearch Mask] [-ccommand]
[-d<+|-><DDMMYYYY|DD>] [-s]
-pPath Path where to start searching
-mSearch Mask Search files according to <Search Mask>
-cCommand Command to execute on each file(s)
-d<+|-><DDMMYYYY|DD> Select files with date >= or <=DDMMYYYY (UTC)
or files having date >= or <= (current date - DD days)
-s Recurse directories
-v Verbose mode
The following variables can be used in Command :
To include special hexa characters in the command line : use 0xHH
Default : <Directory : .> <Search Mask : *.*> <Command : "CMD /C Echo
Examples :
FORFILES -pc:\ -s -m*.BAT -c"CMD /C Echo @FILE is a batch file"
FORFILES -pc:\ -s -m*.* -c"CMD /C if @ISDIR==TRUE echo @FILE is a directory"
FORFILES -pc:\ -s -m*.* -d-100 -c"CMD /C Echo @FILE : date >= 100 days"
FORFILES -pc:\ -s -m*.* -d-01011993 -c"CMD /C Echo @FILE is quite old!"
FORFILES -pc:\ -s -m*.* -c"CMD /c echo extension of @FILE is 0x22@EXT0x22"
I was asked to write a little Batch-Job to delete Files on a Windows 2000
Files, which are older than a specified date, should be deleted in a
directorystructure called c:\temp\test.
In this directory a number of subdirectories are located, so that the
scripts has to work recurse folders.
For this I found the below statement with the MS tool forfiles:
forfiles -pC:\temp\test\ -m*.* -d-%1 -s -c"cmd /c del @FILE| echo @FILE"
Unfortunately the Scripts tries to delete the directories as well. Only
files with the mask *.* or other definitions should be deleted.
Many thanks for help,
Syntax : FORFILES [-pPath] [-mSearch Mask] [-ccommand]
[-d<+|-><DDMMYYYY|DD>] [-s]
-pPath Path where to start searching
-mSearch Mask Search files according to <Search Mask>
-cCommand Command to execute on each file(s)
-d<+|-><DDMMYYYY|DD> Select files with date >= or <=DDMMYYYY (UTC)
or files having date >= or <= (current date - DD days)
-s Recurse directories
-v Verbose mode
The following variables can be used in Command :
To include special hexa characters in the command line : use 0xHH
Default : <Directory : .> <Search Mask : *.*> <Command : "CMD /C Echo
Examples :
FORFILES -pc:\ -s -m*.BAT -c"CMD /C Echo @FILE is a batch file"
FORFILES -pc:\ -s -m*.* -c"CMD /C if @ISDIR==TRUE echo @FILE is a directory"
FORFILES -pc:\ -s -m*.* -d-100 -c"CMD /C Echo @FILE : date >= 100 days"
FORFILES -pc:\ -s -m*.* -d-01011993 -c"CMD /C Echo @FILE is quite old!"
FORFILES -pc:\ -s -m*.* -c"CMD /c echo extension of @FILE is 0x22@EXT0x22"