Delete Event when pressing delete in a datagrid?

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lars Netzel
  • Start date Start date

Lars Netzel


What events are there to do things in when I am on a row in a datagrid
(bound from a dataset) and press Delete key...

There's no Delete Event on the drig and I can't figure out if there are any
events on the Dataset itself either..

I need to delete a row from the database when this happens

best regard
/Lars Netzel

You need to create an inherited datagrid for that. Here is the code
for one that will raise an event to let you the user is about to delete a
row. Also prevents the user from resizing a row or column.

Public Class ConfirmDeleteDataGrid

Inherits DataGrid

Public Event DeletedRow(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)

Private Const WM_KEYDOWN = &H100

Public Overrides Function PreProcessMessage(ByRef msg As
System.Windows.Forms.Message) As Boolean

Dim keyCode As Keys = CType((msg.WParam.ToInt32 And Keys.KeyCode), Keys)

If msg.Msg = WM_KEYDOWN And keyCode = Keys.Delete Then

If MessageBox.Show("Delete This Row?", "Confirm Delete", _

MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = DialogResult.No Then

Return True


RaiseEvent DeletedRow(Me, New EventArgs)

End If

End If

Return MyBase.PreProcessMessage(msg)

End Function

Protected Overrides Function ProcessDialogKey(ByVal keyData As
System.Windows.Forms.Keys) As Boolean

Dim pt As Point

Dim hti As DataGrid.HitTestInfo

pt = Me.PointToClient(Cursor.Position)

hti = Me.HitTest(pt)

If keyData = Keys.Delete Then

If hti.Type = Me.HitTestType.RowHeader Then

If MessageBox.Show("Delete this row?", "Confirm Delete", _

MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = DialogResult.No Then

Return True


RaiseEvent DeletedRow(Me, New EventArgs)

End If

End If

End If

Return MyBase.ProcessDialogKey(keyData)

End Function

Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseDown(ByVal e As

Dim hti As DataGrid.HitTestInfo = Me.HitTest(New Point(e.X, e.Y))

If hti.Type = DataGrid.HitTestType.ColumnResize Or hti.Type =
DataGrid.HitTestType.RowResize Then

Return 'no baseclass call

End If


End Sub

Public Sub New()


End Sub

Protected Overrides Sub OnMouseMove(ByVal e As

Dim hti As DataGrid.HitTestInfo = Me.HitTest(New Point(e.X, e.Y))

If hti.Type = DataGrid.HitTestType.ColumnResize Or hti.Type =
DataGrid.HitTestType.RowResize Then

Return 'no baseclass call

End If


End Sub

End Class




What events are there to do things in when I am on a row in a datagrid
(bound from a dataset) and press Delete key...

There's no Delete Event on the drig and I can't figure out if there are any
events on the Dataset itself either..

I need to delete a row from the database when this happens

best regard
/Lars Netzel
thanx... I will probably use it but.. I guess an easier way would to be
checking the KeyDown for a delete button?
