I have a new computer and have been transferring from OE 6 to Outlook 2007.
During the process of trying to migrate everything, I managed to import my
messages from OE 6 three times and now have triplicates of my messages. I
was trying to get the address book and got the messages two more times by
mistake. For some reason, cancel did not work. Since I keep all emails
from my clients, and have done so for many years, I have thousands of
original emails. Is there a way to filter the second and third copy for
deletion? I looked at mail cleanup, but did not see anything about deleting
duplicate copies.
OE 6 on XP
Mail on Vista Business 64
Outlook 2007 on Vista Business 64
During the process of trying to migrate everything, I managed to import my
messages from OE 6 three times and now have triplicates of my messages. I
was trying to get the address book and got the messages two more times by
mistake. For some reason, cancel did not work. Since I keep all emails
from my clients, and have done so for many years, I have thousands of
original emails. Is there a way to filter the second and third copy for
deletion? I looked at mail cleanup, but did not see anything about deleting
duplicate copies.
OE 6 on XP
Mail on Vista Business 64
Outlook 2007 on Vista Business 64