delete all temp files...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gordon J. Rattray
  • Start date Start date

Gordon J. Rattray

Hi there,

I'm trying to find something that will delete ALL temp files in the XP O/S
drive in one fell swoop.

There are 5 users on this machine and I have to go into each user to delete
the user temp dirs one by one due to user rights. Even with me as
administrator, I can't use Explorer to delete all temp files from another
user's (with lesser rights) temp folder.

I tried CC Cleaner, but even it's limited to the current user's temp folder.

Any ideas on what I can use or do to clean out all temp files in once


Gordon J. Rattray said:
Hi there,

I'm trying to find something that will delete ALL temp files in the XP O/S
drive in one fell swoop.

There are 5 users on this machine and I have to go into each user to delete
the user temp dirs one by one due to user rights. Even with me as
administrator, I can't use Explorer to delete all temp files from another
user's (with lesser rights) temp folder.

I tried CC Cleaner, but even it's limited to the current user's temp folder.

Any ideas on what I can use or do to clean out all temp files in once



How about a little batch file called Cleanup.bat located in this folder:

c:\documents and settings\all users\start menu\programs\startup

@echo off
del /y /q "%UserProfile%\temp\*.*"

Adjust it to reflect the actual folder name you wish to clean out.
Gordon said:
Hi there,

I'm trying to find something that will delete ALL temp files in the XP O/S
drive in one fell swoop.

There are 5 users on this machine and I have to go into each user to delete
the user temp dirs one by one due to user rights. Even with me as
administrator, I can't use Explorer to delete all temp files from another
user's (with lesser rights) temp folder.

I tried CC Cleaner, but even it's limited to the current user's temp folder.

Any ideas on what I can use or do to clean out all temp files in once


Hi Gordon
Did you try the Costume Folders Option in Crap Cleaner?
good idea, but there is no temp under %userprofile%, you are missing "local
it either
del /y /q "%temp%\*.*"
del /y /q "%userprofile%\local settings\temp\*.*"

I was thinking somewhere along the lines (note, it's not verified batch, it
is an idea only):
(remove numbers at the beginning of each line)

1 @echo off
2 cd /d "%systemdrive%\documents and settings"
3 for /d %%i in (*) do if exist "%%i\local settings\temp" cd /d "%%i\local
settings\temp" & rd . /s /q
4 goto:eof

but, alas, it won't work til OP fixes his rights first, yours, however will
do the trick once it's corrected.
Gordon J. Rattray said:
Hi there,

I'm trying to find something that will delete ALL temp files in the XP O/S
drive in one fell swoop.

There are 5 users on this machine and I have to go into each user to delete
the user temp dirs one by one due to user rights. Even with me as
administrator, I can't use Explorer to delete all temp files from another
user's (with lesser rights) temp folder.

I tried CC Cleaner, but even it's limited to the current user's temp folder.

Any ideas on what I can use or do to clean out all temp files in once



Put a batch file to delete the temp files into the Startup group for
each user. That way each one will get cleaned up automatically when
they log in.


del %temp%\*.* /s /q

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada