Delete a string


Joe Gieder

I have a long list of numbers taht all look similar to this M7885/2-4-02_- x
2 andI want to remove everything from the _ to the end. I think I want to use
Find, Replace and Length in a formula to get only the first part. One thing
is the length varies behin the _.

Sean Timmons

You can do 2 things..

1) Find, enter "_*" without the quote , Replace, leave the space blank.
Replace All

The * will remove everything after _

Or, to make it a formula, =LEFT(A2,FIND("_",A@)-1) and drag to bottom

Rick Rothstein

If you want to show everything in front of the underbar in a different
column, you can use this formula...


If you want to physically modify the existing entry, you will need a VBA
macro for that.

Mike H

Joe Gieder said:
I have a long list of numbers taht all look similar to this M7885/2-4-02_- x
2 andI want to remove everything from the _ to the end. I think I want to use
Find, Replace and Length in a formula to get only the first part. One thing
is the length varies behin the _.

Mike H


This will leave the text you want in the existing column

Data|Text to columns
Select delimited
Check 'Other' and enter an underscore in the 'other' box

If you don't want to keep the trailing bit then delete the column.


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