We would like to allow our desktop support staff the rights to manage
several OU's in our AD structure. Particularly we would like our support
staff to have the ability to manage computer and user accounts.
Currently, when new computer accounts are created they are installed by
default in the Computers container at he root of the domain. We might be
interested in changing the default location of computer accounts when created
if we will not be able delegate rights to this container. (technically, this
is not an OU?) Our desktop support staff needs to be able to move computer
acocunts to the appropriate OU once created. We would also like them to be
able add, delete, reset, and move computer accounts to the respective OU's
that they need access to as well as user accounts.
I guess my question would be can we delegate rights to the default computer
and user containers at the root of the domain? Also, can we change the
default location of where computer accounts are created?, if necessary. I did
find an article that mentioned briefly delegating rights to the two
containers via AD Sites & Services, is this right?
Thank you very much for your assistance.
Mark Clark
We would like to allow our desktop support staff the rights to manage
several OU's in our AD structure. Particularly we would like our support
staff to have the ability to manage computer and user accounts.
Currently, when new computer accounts are created they are installed by
default in the Computers container at he root of the domain. We might be
interested in changing the default location of computer accounts when created
if we will not be able delegate rights to this container. (technically, this
is not an OU?) Our desktop support staff needs to be able to move computer
acocunts to the appropriate OU once created. We would also like them to be
able add, delete, reset, and move computer accounts to the respective OU's
that they need access to as well as user accounts.
I guess my question would be can we delegate rights to the default computer
and user containers at the root of the domain? Also, can we change the
default location of where computer accounts are created?, if necessary. I did
find an article that mentioned briefly delegating rights to the two
containers via AD Sites & Services, is this right?
Thank you very much for your assistance.
Mark Clark