Delegates are the prototype of the function that will be called when an event is raised. Think
of it as a function pointer if you are familiar with C++.
Delegate -=> public delegate void MyDelegate(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
Some function -=> public void myfoo (object sender, System.EventArgs e) { ...Do something...}
instantiation of Delegate -=> MyDelegate mydel += new MyDelegate(myfoo);
You can add many functions to the instatiated delegate by using +=
You can call the delegate directly as if it were a function.
mydel (this, null);
Each function added to will be called in succession.
Events are generated based on some condition such as a button click or you have
withdrawn too much money out of your bank account.
Event -=> public event MyDelegate myevent;
Generate event -=> myevent ( this, null);
The main difference between the two is that there may be MANY instances of of MyDelegate
scattered through many difference source files.
MyDelegate mydel_1 += new MyDelegate(myfoo_1); inside class MyClass_1
MyDelegate mydel_2 += new MyDelegate(myfoo_2); inside class MyClass_2
MyDelegate mydel_3 += new MyDelegate(myfoo_3); inside class MyClass_3
If you use the call the delegate directly, you are doing just that. When you raise an event
it is received by ALL the implementations of the MyDelegate signature.