Bob Cramer
I don't have a copy of Reflector handy :-( so I'd appreciate if someone
could confirm (or clarify) the following.
In consideration of the following delegate declaration...
delegate string MyLovelyDelegate(int parm1, string parm2);
1. Is it true that, in the output assembly, a new class will be created that
inherits from System.MulticastDelegate - and the name of that class is
"MyLovelyDelegate". Yes?
2. Where in the output class (in the output assembly) do the parameters from
my delegate declaration go? Do they go into the constructor of the output
class? Or do they go into the signature of Invoke() and BeginInvoke()?
I appreciate any clarification you can provide.
could confirm (or clarify) the following.
In consideration of the following delegate declaration...
delegate string MyLovelyDelegate(int parm1, string parm2);
1. Is it true that, in the output assembly, a new class will be created that
inherits from System.MulticastDelegate - and the name of that class is
"MyLovelyDelegate". Yes?
2. Where in the output class (in the output assembly) do the parameters from
my delegate declaration go? Do they go into the constructor of the output
class? Or do they go into the signature of Invoke() and BeginInvoke()?
I appreciate any clarification you can provide.