Deleating Source Files

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I would like to import all three hours of my video clips to Windows Movie
Maker from my sony digital video camera and then delete the clips that I
don't want to use. I know you can select the clips you want to import, but I
would really like to review all the clips that have been imported, and then
delete the ones I know I will not use before I start the editing process.
Can this be done , or will a end up with a lot of RED Xs?
Thanks, Randy
You might be better off using the WinDV utility to do the capturing from the
camcorder, with it brought in as a batch of files rather than the one big
file that Movie Maker captures to.

There's a link to get WinDV on my Setup MM2 in XP > Other Software page,
with newsletter #61 being a tutorial about using it.
Randy said:
I would like to import all three hours of my video clips
to Windows Movie Maker from my sony digital video camera
and then delete the clips that I don't want to use. I
know you can select the clips you want to import, but I
would really like to review all the clips that have been
imported, and then delete the ones I know I will not use
before I start the editing process. Can this be done , or
will a end up with a lot of RED Xs?
Thanks, Randy
The red xs appear when the source files
are moved from the original locations...
this causes Movie Maker to lose the path
to the files.

As for clips you imported into movie maker...
you can Right Click / Delete to remove them
from the project.


******John Inzer********
**MS Picture It! MVP**

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John, Thanks for the quick reply.After deleating some of the source files,
should I run the Didk Defragmenter before I start putting together the movie
on the timeline?
Randy said:
John, Thanks for the quick reply.After deleating some of
the source files, should I run the Didk Defragmenter
before I start putting together the movie on the timeline?
No, I can't any reason for that. When you delete
files from a project in Movie Maker all it does is
remove the path to the original location.

The source files will still be safely stored in their
original folder/s.


******John Inzer********
**MS Picture It! MVP**

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John, is there a way to deleate the source files that I don't want to use to
free up space in memory?
Randy said:
John, is there a way to deleate the source files that I
don't want to use to free up space in memory?
Go to the folder the files are saved
in and delete from there.

If you right click a file in Movie Maker
and choose...Properties... from the can see the path to the
file at...Location.


******John Inzer********
**MS Picture It! MVP**

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Hi Randy
One thing I think hasen't been mentioned here.
Are you planning on importing the entire 3 hours at one pop and then using
Movie Maker to cut the clips you don't want out?
If you do this you need to use Movie Maker to also save the pieces you do
want as DV-AVI video files.
Splitting the clips in Movie Maker does NOT actually split the clips stored
on your harddrive so if you go to the source directory you will only find
one large file which contains the entire 3 hour capture regardless of what
you do with the clips in WMM.
Does that make sense?
Thanks for the reply. I was planning on importing all 3 of my 1 hr tapes
via the DV-AVI choice, and then go the the source file and deleat the
unwanted clips that are in the source file. Will this work?
Well what you will find is only 3 files, 1 for each tape, so no that won't
Instead cut out the portions you don't want to keep using WMM and drag the
portions you do want to keep to the timeline then save that as a DV-AVI once
your through all 3 tapes you can then delete the original source files. You
now have all the footage you want to keep on your harddrive as separate
DV-AVI files.