Delay when opening applications at startup

  • Thread starter Emmanuel Blanchette
  • Start date

Emmanuel Blanchette

Hello. I have a problem with my computer. Everytime I boot it up,
and log in, the desktop is all there, but I have to wait about 2
minutes for applications to work. Example: I click on the "my
computer" icon as soon as I see the desktop, but it opens like 2 mins

I also noticed something. When my computer is "ready", my norton
antivirus auto-protection enables. During the delay, it has a red
sign on it(to say it's not enabled)


Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers

Hi Emmanuel,

And if you disable Norton's from loading at boot, does the same behavior

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers aka "Nutcase" MS-MVP - Win9x
Windows isn't rocket science! That's my other hobby!

Associate Expert - WinXP - Expert Zone


Hi Emmanuel,

Have you checked that you don't have malware installed using Ad-aware
or Spybot?

See the following articles:

308041 Resources for Troubleshooting Startup Problems in Windows XP

310353 How to Perform a Clean Boot in Windows XP

316434 HOW TO: Perform Advanced Clean-Boot Troubleshooting in Windows

310560 How to Troubleshoot By Using the Msconfig Utility in Windows XP

The msconfig utility is especially useful, as it lets you disable any
programs that run automatically at start up. You could try disabling
all non- windows programs here and testing the boot velocity, then
enable them one or two at a time to find out which causes the slow

Hope this helps.

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