Jonathan Parminter
Access XP with front end and back end.
I have a search form that lists records. The user selects
a record to display in a 'main' form As the user is only
interested in this one record I set the recordsource of
the 'main' form rather than a simple filter.
The problem is that due to the number of records, even
only one person is using the system, it takes a couple of
seconds to load. During these loading seconds the form
displays #name. Is there a way to delay the display of the
form until the fields are loaded?
I have tried to hide the form before setting the
recordsource. But it makes no difference :-(
the following is the code I'm using...
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM qryMainCallDetail " _
& "WHERE ((Call)='" & txtCallNo & "');"
strForm = "frmMainCallDetail"
DoCmd.OpenForm FormName:=strForm, WindowMode:=acHidden
With Forms(strForm)
.RecordSource = strSQL
End With
DoCmd.OpenForm FormName:=strForm, WindowMode:=acDialog
Any ideas or suggestions appreciated
Access XP with front end and back end.
I have a search form that lists records. The user selects
a record to display in a 'main' form As the user is only
interested in this one record I set the recordsource of
the 'main' form rather than a simple filter.
The problem is that due to the number of records, even
only one person is using the system, it takes a couple of
seconds to load. During these loading seconds the form
displays #name. Is there a way to delay the display of the
form until the fields are loaded?
I have tried to hide the form before setting the
recordsource. But it makes no difference :-(
the following is the code I'm using...
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM qryMainCallDetail " _
& "WHERE ((Call)='" & txtCallNo & "');"
strForm = "frmMainCallDetail"
DoCmd.OpenForm FormName:=strForm, WindowMode:=acHidden
With Forms(strForm)
.RecordSource = strSQL
End With
DoCmd.OpenForm FormName:=strForm, WindowMode:=acDialog
Any ideas or suggestions appreciated
