I have been experiencing a significant delay in loading the pages
ot my web site and I think this is being caused by some parasite
insert that tries to load and present a link on each page of my
web site. This parasite file won't/can't load and eventually
produces a red X in the lower left corner of my web site's pages.
I can't figure out what this is or how to get rid of itl When I
right click on this red X icon I get a window with the following
Can anyone tell me what this is and more importantly, how to get
rid of it. This site won't open even when I paste the above URL
into my browser's address slot.
Thanks for any insignts. Gordon
ot my web site and I think this is being caused by some parasite
insert that tries to load and present a link on each page of my
web site. This parasite file won't/can't load and eventually
produces a red X in the lower left corner of my web site's pages.
I can't figure out what this is or how to get rid of itl When I
right click on this red X icon I get a window with the following
Can anyone tell me what this is and more importantly, how to get
rid of it. This site won't open even when I paste the above URL
into my browser's address slot.
Thanks for any insignts. Gordon