
Unsheilded speakers should be away from CRT's by at least 2 feet and more if the magnets are larger. It will give a patch of multicolor when the magnetic field is interfereing. This thing if not corrected can render the TV/Monitor to be permanently magnetized.

Degauss function is not to be used very frequently as it heats up a coil inside the monitor and needs to cool down before it is used again, minimum time specified for the cooling of the coil is 20 minutes, if you continue to use that function more than specified you can burn the coil and may require costly repairs. This will also not be covered in warranty. The manual of the monitor would give information on that, if not find out from the site what the manufactuerer states on this issue.

Go easy on Degauss!
As Webopebia ... most CRTs these days 'Degauss' when turned on ... it don't arf scare the ???? out of some people.

It is the one thing I detest about my Iiyama ... as I use the monitor's power button as the 'screen saver', it really erks me when I turn ot back on ... it also has manual degauss, which for some reason does a better job?

As Quad said ... go easy.