
  • Thread starter Thread starter Gloria
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I would really appreciate any responses you may have,anything at all.
I can't complete the process of defragmentation.When I first bought my pc I
was able to do so,then one day downloading something from the web my pc
crashed so I had to start it from new...I inserted the disks that came with
it but not sure if I did it all properly.
Everything works now,except I have discovered I can't defragment....I start
the precess and after about 12 minutes or so the screen goes black and it
says error detected and some more that I have not time to read as it goes
completely blank.When I restart pc again all is good;except I would love to
defragment to improve my pc performance.Any ideas,tips etc...much appreciated.
Gloria said:
I would really appreciate any responses you may have,anything at all.
I can't complete the process of defragmentation.When I first bought my pc
was able to do so,then one day downloading something from the web my pc
crashed so I had to start it from new...I inserted the disks that came
it but not sure if I did it all properly.
Everything works now,except I have discovered I can't defragment....I
the precess and after about 12 minutes or so the screen goes black and it
says error detected and some more that I have not time to read as it goes
completely blank.When I restart pc again all is good;except I would love
defragment to improve my pc performance.Any ideas,tips etc...much

You require 15% free space on the hard drive before Windows Defragmenter
will work.

Follow this path: Start > My Computer > Double click My Computer > Right
click on the C drive icon > Select Properties

What is the total size of your drive and how much free space do you have?

While the window is open, click on Tools and start the Error Checking
Process. Sometimes, faults on the drive can stop defragmentation..

Assuming that you have more than 15% free space, try defrag again. If it
fails, it could be indicative of major problems with the hard drive, in
which case you need to go to the hard drive manufacturer web site and
download the test utility, then run it..

Report back with results..
Gloria said:
I would really appreciate any responses you may have,anything at all.
I can't complete the process of defragmentation.When I first bought my pc
was able to do so,then one day downloading something from the web my pc
crashed so I had to start it from new...I inserted the disks that came
it but not sure if I did it all properly.
Everything works now,except I have discovered I can't defragment....I
the precess and after about 12 minutes or so the screen goes black and it
says error detected and some more that I have not time to read as it goes
completely blank.When I restart pc again all is good;except I would love
defragment to improve my pc performance.Any ideas,tips etc...much

First run system file checker for any corrupt files...... sfc /scannow

Then run error checking on your boot disk by right clicking drive then
select properties / tools and click error checking, check now and clcik
start. This will invoke a
schedule check so click yes then it will test on the boot time.
Sometimes the file system become corrupt and this will prevent defrag from
Graham... ex comms eng tech..