I have diskkeeper. How can I get Microsoft defrag?
It is installed on your Windows machine. Do this:Doug said:I have diskkeeper. How can I get Microsoft defrag?
Doug said:I have diskkeeper. How can I get Microsoft defrag?
Doug said:I did a search and did what this site said to do and it fixed my
diskeeper. I still would rather have the plain Microsoft defrfag.
Mike said:Executive Software's Diskeeper takes over from XP Defrag..
Mike said:I don't think that it is so much a case of XP defrag being
uninstalled so much as Diskeeper takes over it's rightful place..
am sure that I read some time ago that XP Defrag is a cut down
version of Diskeeper, that MS hold a license to use the cut down
I haven't ever thought to uninstall Diskeeper to find out whether or
not XP Defrag reappears.. why would I do that
as Diskeeper is by far
the better product?..
Mike said:Greg
Please note that I never said that they were the same thing, but
there is no question that Diskeeper effectively prevents XP Defrag
from appearing.. that is not necessarily a bad thhing..
It's fine for an installation of a
program to make itself available as a choice, but I don't think any
third-party program should take away the option of running the
built-in Windows program.
It's fine for an installation of a
program to make itself available as a choice, but I don't think any
third-party program should take away the option of running the
built-in Windows program.