Defrag won't work

  • Thread starter Thread starter whitebluff
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System running super slow all of a sudden. When I try to defrag, it just
says system not responding. Also tried in safe mode and the defrag won't
respond. Any suggestions?

Was any program or driver recently updated that correlates with when
the system became sluggish ? Are you reasonably sure that you've not
picked up a Malware infestation ? Answering those questions helps to
know where to begin diagnostics.

I'd start by checking your System and Application event logs for error(s).
Best to clear both logs and reboot and then examine. This way you can
see a boot cycle and isolate any recent errors.

Event Viewer:
Click Start, Run (Type) EventVwr.Msc [Enter]
Forgot to mention I'm running XP. Do I clear out everything on those 2
event logs or just the ones that have the red X - error?

Try Ctrl+Alt+Delete to select Task Manager and click the Performance
Tab. Under Commit Charge what is the Total, the Limit and the Peak?

How much RAM memory?

How large is your hard disk and how much free space.


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute
OK - Under total - 358,008 Limit 1,112,512, Peak 392,948 40 GB with 22 GB
free and 768 MB memory.
I am using Norton Antivirus 2006 but no malware programs. Scanned system
after it became soooo slow and didn't find anything.
Check your DCOM Server Process Launcher if it is set to Automatic

Start | Control Panel | Asministrative Tools | Services |
Scroll down and double click DCOM Server Process Launcher | The startup type
should be set to Automatic | Click Apply | Click the Start button | When the
service starts, click OK | Close Services | Reboot

DCOM Server Process Launcher
I am using Norton Antivirus 2006

Unfortunately, anything Norton is probably the worst possible choice.

but no malware programs.

But even more important the how poor Norton is is your lack of
anti-spyware protection. I would almost be willing to bet you are
infected, very likely with multiple things.

I recommend that you begin troubleshooting by going to MVP Malke's
malware removal site at and
following the instructions there.
The DCOM server is set to automatic. Have run spy bot and still nothing
fixed. IE Explore and Outlook Express run just fine - just computer
programs take forever to load and startup takes approx 5 minutes. Gateway
helped me clean out everything I don't need to start up. Just need to
defrag and it won't respond.
You might want to Explore to:
Right Click on Dfrg.Inf and from the context menu choose Install.

Otherwise, I'd go to Raxco's trial download site and get a copy of
Perfect Disk 8. Read the instructions on how to do both a Boot
time defrag and follow that with an on-line defrag session.
What Error / Warning reports ( if any ) appear in the System log in
Event Viewer when you last booted the machine?

Please post copies of all Error and Warning Reports appearing in
the System and Application logs in Event Viewer for the last boot. No
Information Reports or Duplicates please. Indicate which also appear in
a previous boot.

You can access Event Viewer by selecting Start, Control Panel,
Administrative Tools, and Event Viewer. When researching the meaning
of the error, information regarding Event ID, Source and Description
are important.

HOW TO: View and Manage Event Logs in Event Viewer in Windows XP

Part of the Description of the error will include a link, which you
should double click for further information. You can copy using copy
and paste. Often the link will, however, say there is no further
(Please note the hyperlink above is for illustration purposes only)

A tip for posting copies of Error Reports! Run Event Viewer and double
click on the error you want to copy. In the window, which appears is a
button resembling two pages. Click the button and close Event
Viewer.Now start your message (email) and do a paste into the body of
the message. Make sure this is the first paste after exiting from
Event Viewer.


Hope this helps.

Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute
Defrag won't run if Task Scheduler (Service) is turned off under Control
Panel | Admin Tools | Services .
Sounds like you might need more than that, though.

All of the errors were atapi, event 9 and several warnings for cdrom event
51. These appear on all bootups.

Hooray - looked up what atapi was is all about so tried taking out the CD-RW
that was on my E drive and everything works as normal for startup with no
errors. Defrag is also working. Sure do appreciate all the help that
everyone has offered.

Back up and running again - Karen
Well Karen you had us going for quite a while with a CD left in the
machine <G>! A variant on blind woman's buff!


Stourport, England
Enquire, plan and execute