Have you tried leaving it overnight?
also, make sure you have exited all unneccessary programs.
I have personally found that disabling the screen saver and
power saving modes helps. How much free space do you have
on the targetted drive?
tools but they all do the same..What could bbe wrong, is my
hdd or the bios or is Windows as allways?? By the way, I
upgraded my bios the other day maybe thats where the
problem is? Thanks for any help I can get..
also, make sure you have exited all unneccessary programs.
I have personally found that disabling the screen saver and
power saving modes helps. How much free space do you have
on the targetted drive?
after a while.. I have tried several diskfragmentation-----Original Message-----
When I try to defrag my laptop( medion) Windows Xp hangs
tools but they all do the same..What could bbe wrong, is my
hdd or the bios or is Windows as allways?? By the way, I
upgraded my bios the other day maybe thats where the
problem is? Thanks for any help I can get..