Thanks a lot for your response.
I'm allow to use only the native Win defrag -you guess - it's free. I still
do not have approval to buy Diskeeper.
This is test SQL server and the usual use is to create database file and
populate them with the app. For the next test we truncate all tables and
repopulate them again. For this reason I periodically check for fragmentation
and, of course it is bad...
As you guess, there's no errors in the even log. No funny things except that
the paging file grows pretty fast to 20GB... but you know when you test app
how crazy could go.
I use to defrag the macine every month at least 1 to 2time depend on the
As long as I can see there's no usage of the free space reported by the
defrag utility, but when I try chkdisk /f it tells me it's busy... how can I
trace this?
The drive light is on when I start the defragging. It immediately goes to 3%
- no wait for second. The machine was not busy at all, I stopped the SQL
server and everything I saw running - still the same result.
I can take the machine down at any time if no testing is running.
Thanks a lot again.
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