MSAS already runs under BartBE I believe but that's not my core interest
(though I would absolutely die for a license free AS program that is
capable of being pointed at a drive/registry of ones choosing. Spybot
won't do it, AdAware does (allowing choosing of what drive to scan is a
huge issue when you're booting of a CD and a program scans your CD
I wish to be able to download an indedepedant "defs" file(s) for...
- working offline, as all such Spyware and AV work should be done
- safe mode without network (see above)
- users who are so hosed they can't get online
- a sales conference such as I'm going to in a few weeks where most
machine maintenance will be offline and lines are $2,000 a week (yes 2K
and no thats not abnormal theese days...)
- distribution point for other techs
- etc
I (we) appreciate all the work you guys are putting in. I don't think I
have to tell you how many man hours the collective Windows IT realm has
lost chasing this issue in the last 2-3 years, extremely frustrating as it
came right on the heels of "welp looks like we're good on virus
I mention this only as I personaly feel Microsoft has a
responsibility to the community to fix these issues due to their nature,
and you guys are coming through (late, but hey....