Defining User Rights on a local XP computer.

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At customers site there is one XP Pro computer shared between several users.
Those users each have a user account.
My customer wants the following:

When one of the users need to work on the computer, it maybe locked by the previous user. The new user should be able to logout the previous user without knowing the password of that user account.

I suspect I have to use Local Policy to do this. But how ?


Johnny Lundgren
Johnny said:
At customers site there is one XP Pro computer shared between several
Those users each have a user account.
My customer wants the following:

When one of the users need to work on the computer, it maybe locked
by the previous user. The new user should be able to logout the
previous user without knowing the password of that user account.

I suspect I have to use Local Policy to do this. But how ?

Only an administrator or the user whose account is locked can unlock it.
So if the users are all admins, they can do it.
Or if the users all know some common admin user account on the machine, they
can do it.

But - there is a distinct danger in that, both for the integrity of the data
the locked user may not have saved and for the fact everyone would have
admin rights to do whatever they want.

Perhaps you should install a logout screensaver, where a user is logged out
after a certain period of time of inactivity.
Johnny said:

At customers site there is one XP Pro computer shared between several users.
Those users each have a user account.
My customer wants the following:

When one of the users need to work on the computer, it maybe locked by the previous user. The new user should be able to logout the previous user without knowing the password of that user account.

I suspect I have to use Local Policy to do this. But how ?

As Shenan wrote, a logout screen saver is maybe the best option:

Winexit.scr in the free Win2k3 Server RK kit (will work on
Win2k and WinXP at least).

Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools

(The kit will install on WinXP or later and you can copy only
needed files to other computers)

If the users are non-admins on the local computer you must add Set Value and
Create Subkey permissions for the group Everyone on this registry key:

How can I use the WinExit screen saver without granting Admin rights?

Logoff Screen Saver Does Not Function in Windows NT;EN-US;156677

Another option is to create a scheduled job on each computer that logs
the user off after a set amount of idle time:[email protected]
Do you have a domain ?
If you don't, why don't you use Fast user switching (after the computer
locks, you get the welcome screen where you can select the user you want)
If you do have a domain (or you don't want to use fast user switching - You
cannot use Fast user switching if you use Offline files) you must add your
user to local administrator group.

More about Fast User Switching:

I hope that I understood you, if not or if you have any other questions
please contact me again.


For direct e-mailing remove "-spam" from my e-mail address
Best Regards,
Matija Hrovat
Microsoft Gold Certified Partner
for Support Services

Johnny Lundgren said:

At customers site there is one XP Pro computer shared between several users.
Those users each have a user account.
My customer wants the following:

When one of the users need to work on the computer, it maybe locked by the
previous user. The new user should be able to logout the previous user
without knowing the password of that user account.