I need to define formats (i.e. bold, underline) for reference table fields.
For example, let’s say reference table A contains three fields: Field1,
Field2, Field3 and two rows.
Reference Table A
ID _Num Field1 Field2 Field3
1 Single Double Triple
2 Single Double Quadruple
Forms need to know that for row 1 Double will be in bold and Triple will be
underlined. However, for row 2, only Quadruple need to display in bold on
forms, reports, etc.
For example, let’s say reference table A contains three fields: Field1,
Field2, Field3 and two rows.
Reference Table A
ID _Num Field1 Field2 Field3
1 Single Double Triple
2 Single Double Quadruple
Forms need to know that for row 1 Double will be in bold and Triple will be
underlined. However, for row 2, only Quadruple need to display in bold on
forms, reports, etc.