defined cell as currency but still have to enter decimal point



Is there a way to enter in dollar amounts and have the software assume a two
diget decimal point without having to actually enter in the dec. point. I
have defined the cell as currency and defined 2 dec. positions. Also defined
as accounting with 2 dec. positions. When I enter in 1234 it comes out
Any help here?


Setting the format to Currency only sets the way the numbers are displayed.

Try this additional step:
Tools|Options|Edit tab
Check: Fixed decimal places and set it for 2.

Note: I'm fairly sure that setting will apply to all workbooks, so you may
need to set it back when you're done.

Does that help?


XL2002, WinXP-Pro


Thanks Ron. That did the trick. That was driving me crazy. Not a big user of
Excel but need to now. I greatly appreciate your prompt response. Bless you.

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