define leap year

  • Thread starter Thread starter Klam
  • Start date Start date


Year 2008 is a leap year and every 4 years Feb will have 29.

We provide contract on annual bases and the calcualtion is based on 365 days

if the period contain Feb 29 2008 then the annual contract day will be 366
if this is the case tell the computer it should be 365
and how can my database will recvcognize it t=in furutre leap year.

Hi Klam,

This question does not appear to relate to Microsoft Word.

Having said that, a contract on annual basis should not ignore leap years - either they're 365-day contracts, or they're annual
contracts (which implicitly allow for the possibility that the terms of the contracts include 29 Feb in a leap year).

Plus, the leap year formula is a bit more complicated:

If year mod 400 = 0 then
'Leap Year'
ElseIf year mod 100 = 0 then
'Not Leap Year'
ElseIf year mod 4 = 0 then
'Leap Year'
'Not Leap Year'
End If
