define CSS for ListItem in CheckBoxList programmatically


Shaul Feldman

I have something really awkward at work - fighting with CheckBoxList...
How can I define CSS for ListItem in CheckBoxList programmatically.
I add CheckBoxList's Items on the fly, something like

dim li as ListItem
li = new ListItem("title","value");
'' how to define here the CSS for List Item, not CheckBoxList?!?!?!

Thanks a lot.


There are two approaches I can think of; one is to define an external style selector; it will be tricky since CheckBoxList will
render it's HTML differently depending on the browser -- for uplevel browsers you'll get a <input><label> and you can exploit that
with a CSS selector that looks like:

..CssForListBox label {
color: red;

The other approach is to create a <span> around the ListItem Text and attach a style/class to that. See the sample below.


<%@ Page language="c#" AutoEventWireup="false" trace="true" %>
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" >
<script language="C#" runat="server">
protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
ListItem item = new ListItem();
item.Text = "<span class=\"CheckBox\">Three</span>";
item.Value = "Three";
font-weight: bold;
font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, 'Times New Roman';
..CheckBoxList label

..CheckBox {
color: blue;
<form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server">
<asp:checkboxlist id="CheckBoxList1" runat="server" cssclass="CheckBoxList">
<asp:listitem value="One">One</asp:listitem>
<asp:listitem value="Two">Two</asp:listitem>


..CheckBoxList label {} Means all <label> elements below any element with a class="CheckBoxList". So,

<Foobar class="CheckBoxList"> ... <label></label></Foobar>

Don't have an answer as to why the individual ListItems can't get a style/class; but if you want a different style for each ListItem the <span style="..."></span> idea will do the same thing.


I think I got the picture...
The question (not quiet ASP.Net, but still) is when you declare
.CheckBoxList label
it means all label instances UNDER elemnets of "CheckBoxList" class will be
colored in red, I'm I right? In case I'm wrong, explain it please. Thanks.
Another question why can't be CSS assigned directly to ListItem object?...
It would fit the general concept quiet well.

With the best wishes,
Shaul Feldman

Scott said:
There are two approaches I can think of; one is to define an external
style selector; it will be tricky since CheckBoxList will
render it's HTML differently depending on the browser -- for uplevel
browsers you'll get a said:
with a CSS selector that looks like:

.CssForListBox label {
color: red;

The other approach is to create a <span> around the ListItem Text and
attach a style/class to that. See the sample below.

Shaul Feldman

I think I got the picture...
The question (not quiet ASP.Net, but still) is when you declare
..CheckBoxList label
it means all label instances UNDER elemnets of "CheckBoxList" class will be
colored in red, I'm I right? In case I'm wrong, explain it please. Thanks.
Another question why can't be CSS assigned directly to ListItem object?...
It would fit the general concept quiet well.

With the best wishes,
Shaul Feldman

Scott said:
There are two approaches I can think of; one is to define an external
style selector; it will be tricky since CheckBoxList will
render it's HTML differently depending on the browser -- for uplevel
browsers you'll get a said:
with a CSS selector that looks like:

.CssForListBox label {
color: red;

The other approach is to create a <span> around the ListItem Text and
attach a style/class to that. See the sample below.

Shaul Feldman

Thanks Scott!
Tomorrow I'll try the ".CheckBoxList label {} " patent.

With the best wishes,
Shaul Feldman

.CheckBoxList label {} Means all <label> elements below any element with a class="CheckBoxList". So,

<Foobar class="CheckBoxList"> ... <label></label></Foobar>

Don't have an answer as to why the individual ListItems can't get a style/class; but if you want a different style for each ListItem the <span style="..."></span> idea will do the same thing.


I think I got the picture...
The question (not quiet ASP.Net, but still) is when you declare
.CheckBoxList label
it means all label instances UNDER elemnets of "CheckBoxList" class will be
colored in red, I'm I right? In case I'm wrong, explain it please. Thanks.
Another question why can't be CSS assigned directly to ListItem object?...
It would fit the general concept quiet well.

With the best wishes,
Shaul Feldman

Scott said:
There are two approaches I can think of; one is to define an external
style selector; it will be tricky since CheckBoxList will
render it's HTML differently depending on the browser -- for uplevel
browsers you'll get a said:
with a CSS selector that looks like:

.CssForListBox label {
color: red;

The other approach is to create a <span> around the ListItem Text and
attach a style/class to that. See the sample below.

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